5 Homeschool Podcasts You Need to Download
These are my top five favorite podcasts. In the fourteen years of our homeschooling journey, these are the people who literally have shaped our homeschool. Many times when I am cooking or out on a walk by myself, I put my earbuds in and listen to these podcasts to help refuel my tank. I have learned something different from listening to each of them.. They have helped me avoid making mistakes and focus on the things that matter. Over the past few years, I have become a student of these homeschoolers who have gone before me. Our homeschool is a reflection of their styles and values. I hope you can learn something from them too.
Video: 5 Homeschool Podcasts You Need to Download
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Why listen to homeschool podcasts?
Whether you are starting out homeschooling or whether you are an old pro, one of the most important facets of your homeschool is having a network of other homeschoolers with whom you can grow and learn. I think it would be really hard to homeschool without a community.
You may not know many homeschoolers personally. Maybe you live in an area where homeschooling is not all that popular. But the larger homeschool community is vibrant, vast, and growing.
When you listen to podcasts, you are getting your foot in the door of the larger homeschooling community. Rather than figuring things out as you go, you can avoid common mistakes new homeschoolers make and learn from their experiences. Experienced homeschoolers can give you insight into what works in homeschooling. This will give you a head start.
Another reason to listen to homeschool podcasts is for the encouragement. Homeschooling is not easy. Like my husband likes to remind me, “If it was easy, everybody would be doing it.” When you decide to homeschool, you are taking the road less traveled. It is not easy, but it is VERY good. If you are like me, you need to frequently be reminded of the bigger picture. Listening to homeschool podcasts will do this for you.
5 Homeschool Podcasts You Need to Download
#1 The Smiling Homeschooler
The Smiling Homeschooler is led by Todd Wilson and his son Ben. Todd and his wife Debbie have eight children, most of them grown. Todd is the author of several books such as Lies Homeschooling Moms Believe, Lies Homeschool Teens Believe, and The Official Book of Homeschool Cartoons.
The Smiling Homeschooler takes away the pressure and fear that so many homeschool moms feel. Todd encourages listeners to enjoy this time with your kids. He reminds moms that God gave these children to you. You are a perfect teacher for them and “home is a wonderful place to learn.” My biggest take away from listening to this podcast is to prioritize relationships. The Smiling Homeschooler’s relaxed, down-to-earth encouragement will assure you that your kids are going to be ok because you love your kids more than anyone else.
#2 The Read Aloud Revival
The Read Aloud Revival was probably the very first podcast I started listening to. Sarah Mackenzie has created a wonderful resource by sharing a Read Aloud Revival Book List. Her book list has book recommendations by categories such as season, history time periods, nature, grief and loss, military deployment, holidays, and more. She also recommends books by age, for boys, girls, and even moms! The best thing about her list is that she regularly updates it, so there is always something new to see. Sarah Makenzie’s list has been my go-to booklist when I am requesting books from our local library. On her podcasts, she reminds parents that “you are the best person to help your kids learn and grow and home is the best place to fall in love with books.” She promises to help your kids fall in love with books and to help you fall in love with homeschooling. Sarah is the author of Teaching From Rest: A Homeschooler’s Guide to Unshakeable Peace and The Read Aloud Family.
#3 Your Morning Basket
Your Morning Basket is hosted by homeschool mom Pam Barnhill. Pam is the author of Better Together: Strengthen Your Family, Simplify Your Homeschool, and Savor the Subjects That Matter Most. I think I found Pam’s podcast about seven years ago by doing a simple search in my podcast app. Listening to her show was the very first time I was introduced to the concept of Morning Time. Your Morning Basket helps you “bring truth, goodness, and beauty for your homeschool day.” Pam’s first interview on the show was with Cindy Rollins who started practicing Morning Time in her home before it was even a thing. Cindy later went on to write about Morning Time and to help other moms incorporate it into their homeschool day.
Pam shares so many resources and topics that will equip you with the tools to make Morning Time a memorable practice in your homeschool. Listening to her podcasts has been the complete package for helping me start and continue Morning Time in our homeschool. She discusses everything from “how to choose the right books for a wide age range, to how to memorize a poem, to how to get kids to sit still…all your burning Morning Time questions!”
#4 Homeschool Made Simple
Carol Joy Seid hosts the Homeschool Made Simple Podcast which is for “young parents, veterans, or anyone navigating the waters of homeschool options.” She is an educational consultant and well-known speaker. With each podcast, Carol helps you homeschool “simply, inexpensively, and enjoyably.” Carol shares a broad range of topics like “Allowing Your Child to Pursue their Own Interests” and “Building Family Culture” and “Better Late than Early”. She also shares interviews with some of her favorite illustrators, authors or personal heroes like Greta Eskridge, Allen Say, Ruth Bell Graham, Corrie Ten Boom and others. Occasionally she will also share some of the books she is currently reading. Carol has such a calming voice and a simple, yet practical approach that I always walk away thinking, “I can do this!”
#5 Simply Unhurried- The Durenda Wilson Podcast
Durenda Wilson is the host of Simply Unhurried- The Durenda Wilson Podcast. She is a wife, mom, and grandmother who has homeschooled from the beginning. She has written two books. The first is The Unhurried Homeschooler: A Mercifully Short Book on Homeschooling. Secondly, she wrote The Four Hour School Day: How You and Your Kids Can Thrive in the Homeschool Life. Drawing from her years as a homeschool mom of eight, Durenda offers Biblical counsel, practical homeschooling tips, and wisdom for parenting in the current cultural climate. Here is a sample of some of the topics she covers.
- “When Your Homeschool Teens Won’t Get Ready on Time in the Morning”
- “What Does it Mean to Be Unhurried?”
- “The Importance of Being in the Word With Your Family”
When you are a new homeschooler, one of the best things you can do is find a mom who has gone ahead of you and get to know her. Find out how she did it and what advice she has to give. Durenda Wilson has been that mom for me.
Leave a Comment!
Have you been blessed by one or a few of these podcasts? Would you leave a comment and share what ways you have benefited from listening to these homeschool podcasts?
Also, if you have a homeschool podcast that you love but is not on this list, would you share that with us as well? I love hearing from other homeschool moms and I really think we can all learn from each other.
Thanks for the ideas! I love podcasts while in the kitchen 🙂
Saving this list for later! Thank you for putting this list together. Excited to check them out!
I will definitely be checking these out. Thank you for sharing these resources!
You are so welcome! These people have literally shaped our homeschool I hope you enjoy!