Homeschooling Encouragement for Everyday Moms

Hello and welcome to Our Life Homeschooling! This is a community where you will find encouragement and resources for whatever stage of homeschooling you are in. As you read along you will be reminded anew that motherhood is a worthy ministry, homeschooling is simply an extension of parenting, and your role is as a mom is irreplaceable. Your calling is great, so take courage! You are raising the next generation!

Homeschooling 101

Begin homeschooling today. Yes, you can do this! If you want to learn the basics of homeschool life, start here!


Lift your spirit by reading advice and encouragement from a 14-year homeschool mom who knows what it’s like to be “in the thick of it!”

Book Lists

Fill your home library with living books, creating an atmosphere that nourishes and challenges your children’s minds.

Large Family Life

Learn how to manage the unique blessing and bestowal of homeschooling a large family.

Join Our Life Homeschooling Community.

Hi! I’m Sheri!

My homeschooling experience is a story of God’s faithfulness. As a former public school teacher, I never imagined I would someday be a homeschool mom to ten kids! Over time, however, I have discovered that I love the tranquil, simple rhythms of home life. Watching our children grow brings me and my husband profound joy. Though homeschooling can be very challenging at times, I’m incredibly thankful that I get to do this every day!

Homeschool Mom Interviews

I like to share “our life” collectively as homeschoolers by interviewing everyday homeschool moms. Be encouraged by reading the stories of other homeschool moms just like you!

Introducing my new EBook


For the Weary Homeschool Mom

As homeschool moms, the work we do every day teaching our children, managing our homes, and caring for our families can be heavy. Sometimes, we just need a chance to catch our breath! I wrote this book to inspire weary homeschool moms. It is chock full of ideas, encouragement, Scripture, and quotes that will refresh your spirit.

Life Skills

Teach life skills in your home by showing your children how to cultivate a garden, wash laundry, prepare a meal, manage personal finances, preserve food nurtured by their own hands, and more!

Grab a copy of my free

Seasonal Copywork

Copy the best pieces from great authors! Copywork is simply the habit of hand-copying selections of text from great authors. Think about it. How do we learn to do anything? We observe someone who is doing it! Copywork challenges kids to copy the written work of exceptional communicators.

Morning Time

Morning Time is the time of day when we can all study the subjects that are best learned in a group. Start your day by reflecting on truth, goodness, and beauty!

Follow along with Our Life Homeschooling on YouTube!


Discover the hidden gems of copywork, narration, and notebooking. These practices are powerful tools, producing excellent communicators.