About Sheri

I am a Christian, wife to my high school sweetheart, and thankful mom to ten incredible kids. Our family has been homeschooling for fourteen years. Though my degree and professional experience are in education, I have learned more from homeschooling my kids than I have from doing anything else.

Here on the blog I love to share homeschooling encouragement for everyday moms.

Drawing on 14 years of homeschooling experience, you can find help for getting started, tried and true homeschooling advice, life skills learning, simple Morning Time ideas, large family living, and interviews with everyday homeschool moms just like you! The only way to make sure you don’t miss any posts or videos is by joining my email list.

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I invite you to join the Our Life Homeschooling Community. Get access to my exclusive collection of free copywork, printables, book lists and more, all crafted to support and inspire your homeschooling journey. The only way to make sure you don’t miss any posts or videos is by joining my email list.

Our Story

After 14 years of homeschooling our kids, I have experienced several different stages, many highs and lows. And I am still learning new things.

Together we have visited many places-literally in field trips and figuratively, in books. Our times on the couch every afternoon reading together will always hold a special place in my heart.

We have learned and lived through so many important moments. So far, with five of our kids I’ve cried through long division…and survived!!! 
It isn’t easy homeschooling multiple kids on multiple levels. It especially wasn’t easy giving up a career and the prestige that comes with a title.

On occasion my kids fight, and, yes, it drives me crazy!! I have even threatened to put the kids on the next school bus that drives by! Without a doubt, I would have quit – and almost did more than once! – without the encouragement of family and friends. 

Through the highs and lows, I am SO THANKFUL to have had this experience with our kids. The time with them has been WORTH it. It is not easy, but I can honestly say that I absolutely LOVE what I do!

Introducing my new EBook


For the Weary Homeschool Mom

As homeschool moms, this work we do every day teaching our children, managing our homes, and caring for our families can be heavy. Sometimes, we just need a chance to catch our breath! I wrote this book to inspire weary homeschool moms. It is chock full of ideas, encouragement, Scripture, and quotes that will refresh your spirit.