Simple Morning Time Notebook

Are you looking for a solution for teaching multiple children? Simplify your homeschool by using this Simple Morning Time Notebook!

For many years, I have tried to find a way to give my kids a rich feast of ideas, yet keep it simple for our large family with a wide range of ages. The format in this Simple Morning Time Notebook is the solution I have found that actually works! Come join us for the year as we observe truth, goodness, and beauty in God’s world!

2024-2025 Simple Morning Time Notebook

2024-2025 Features

  • 31 pages of Morning Time Ideas
  • Perfect for a large family or multiple ages.
  • Rich, but light material, ideal for families who want flexibility.
  • Daily and regular (looped) Morning Time subjects.
  • Print multiple copies, one notebook for each child. I use a 1/2-inch binder. Slip the cover page into the front pocket. Three-hole punch the remaining pages to insert.
  • Handy to put in a child’s end-of-year portfolio to show samples of work.
  • Includes Bible and Christian Biography reading, Scripture and Other Memory work, Hymn Study, Poetry, Composer Study, Folk Songs, Picture Study, Grammar Review, Shakespeare, Proverb-A-Day, Spelling Patterns, Map Work and Nature Study.


*Please note: This is a PDF download for your computer, tablet, or smart phone. If you want a physical copy you will have to print it off.

Included in the 2024-2025 Notebook

  • Section to write your own Bible Reading and Christian Biography plan.
  • Scripture Memory from Old and New Testament (ESV)
  • Memory Work: Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 1, The Bill of Rights
  • Hymn Study
  • Poets: Robert Louis Stevenson and Alfred Lord Tennyson
  • Artists- Choose your own.
  • Composer Study-Choose your own.
  • Folk Songs- Choose Your Own.
  • Shakespeare- As You Like It and Cymbeline guides for reading + a famous speech from each.
  • Spelling Patterns and Rules
  • Proverb-A-Day
  • Grammar Charts to help label parts of speech in a sentence.
  • Map Work- North America, countries and physical features
  • Nature Study Sketch Pages

Read the full blog post about how we implement the Simple Morning Time Notebook in our homeschool here.


*Please note: This is a PDF download for your computer, tablet, or smart phone. If you want a physical copy you will have to print it off.

Simple Morning Time Notebook: Volume I

(This is the notebook we used for 2023-2024.) Read more about how we implement the Simple Morning Time Notebook in our homeschool here.

Volume I Features

  • 22 pages of simple Morning Time ideas.
  • Perfect for a large family or multiple ages.
  • Inspired by the best choices of Ambleside Online.
  • Rich, but light material, ideal for families who want flexibility.
  • Daily and regular (looped) Morning Time subjects.
  • Print multiple copies, one notebook for each child. I use a 1/2-inch binder. Slip the cover page into the front pocket. Three-hole punch the remaining pages to insert.
  • Handy to put in a child’s end-of-year portfolio to show samples of work.
  • Includes Bible and Christian Biography reading, Scripture and Other Memory work, Hymn Study, Poetry, Composer Study, Picture Study, Grammar Review, Shakespeare, and Math Review games.


*Please note: This is a PDF download for your computer, tablet, or smart phone. If you want a physical copy you will have to print it off.

Included in Volume I

  • Scripture Memory from Old and New Testament (ESV)
  • Memory Work: Declaration of Independence, Preamble to the Constitution, Continents and Oceans, Presidents of the United States
  • Hymn Study
  • Poets: William Blake and Rudyard Kipling
  • Artists: Claude Monet and Georges Seurat
  • Composers: Johannes Brahms and Franz Liszt
  • Grammar Sentences to label parts of speech
  • Shakespeare: Twelfth Night and King Lear
  • Nature Study Sketch Pages
  • Math Review Games for all ages


*Please note: This is a PDF download for your computer, tablet, or smartphone. If you want a physical copy you will have to print it off.