Incorporating Bible Into Your Homeschool with Anna Bruce

Would you like to know more about everyday homeschool life in real families? Every so often on the blog, I love to give you a sneak peek into “our life” collectively as homeschoolers by sharing interviews with everyday homeschoolers just like you!
I am excited to share this interview I had with Anna Bruce (from @annabruceco), the author of the homeschool Bible Curriculum “Morning Manna: A Family Guide to Teaching Your Children Biblical Truths.” Join us as we talk about incorporating Bible in your homeschool.
Video Interview with Anna

Meet Anna
Anna is a devoted wife and mom of four, living with her family in South Carolina. Her children, ages 11, 8, 5, and 3, bring endless joy and energy to her days. Alongside her husband, Zach, Anna has been homeschooling for the past five years and finds the experience deeply rewarding and fulfilling. They love homeschooling because it gives them more family time and the flexibility to create meaningful moments together.

Anna never imagined she would homeschool, but the Lord had other, more beautiful plans for her family. What drew her to homeschooling was the opportunity to spend more time with her kids and play an important role in their daily lives. Having experienced homeschooling herself, along with private and public schooling, Anna brings a unique perspective to her eclectic homeschooling approach. She prioritizes family time, consistency, outdoor adventures, and discipleship, creating a learning environment that nurtures both education and faith. His plans, far more fulfilling than she ever expected, have brought her joy and purpose beyond measure over the last five years.
Anna loves creating resources for families, including her family devotional Hello Peace: A Family Devotional to Pursue Peace in the Home and Within and her Bible curriculum Morning Manna, both designed to help families grow in faith together.

Anna is passionate about helping parents embrace their God-given potential as homeschool educators and parents. For years, she has openly shared the joys and challenges of her journey through social media, blogging, and YouTube. When she’s not enjoying a hot cup of coffee or thrifting for hidden gems, you’ll find her sharing honest, heartfelt experiences to inspire moms to create life-giving homes, grow in faith, and lead with love.

When teaching Bible in your homeschool, what do you want to be the biggest takeaway that sticks with your kids?
Whether I’m leading a Bible lesson during homeschool or sharing heartfelt conversations about the Lord while baking cookies together, my goal is always the same: to help my children grow in their understanding of who they are in Christ.
My husband and I want them to grasp the deep and unchanging truth that they are beloved children of God and to experience the vast, unconditional love of their Heavenly Father in every season of life.
In a world that constantly tells them to “follow your heart,” “live your truth,” and “do whatever makes you happy,” we see it as our calling to equip them with a strong foundation of faith. It’s so important to us that they learn to measure the messages they hear against the unshakable truth of God’s Word, so they can confidently discern what is true and stand firm in their beliefs, no matter what they face.

Every small moment—whether we’re reading scripture as a family, sharing stories of God’s faithfulness during a car ride, or praying together before bed—is an opportunity for us to plant seeds of faith in their hearts.
I often reflect on Deuteronomy 6:6-8, where God commands us to keep His words on our hearts and impress them on our children—talking about them when we sit at home, when we walk along the road, when we lie down, and when we get up. This scripture inspires us to weave God’s truth into the rhythm of our daily lives, trusting that these seeds will grow into a bold and unwavering trust in Him, guiding our children and helping them shine His light in a world that desperately needs it.

What have you done in the past for teaching Bible? What worked/ didn’t work?
We’ve tried it all! For years, I searched tirelessly for the perfect Bible curriculum to use in our homeschool. We’ve experimented with everything from structured Bible curriculums to storybook Bibles, and even spent seasons simply reading directly from the Bible together. Each approach had its merits, but none of them quite captured everything I envisioned for my children’s spiritual growth.
As I explored different options, I realized that so many Bible curriculums are lacking in key areas. The biggest issue I found was the absence of the Word itself. Many curriculums never once encouraged families to open their Bibles, and most didn’t prioritize scripture memorization.
I also noticed that prayer was often overlooked or treated as an afterthought, rather than being an integral part of teaching and applying God’s Word. This was something I couldn’t overlook. I wanted a curriculum that didn’t just talk about the Bible but actually guided children into God’s Word, encouraged them to hide scripture in their hearts, and helped them build a meaningful prayer life. This dissatisfaction sparked a deeper search for something better.
Last year, during yet another search for the “perfect” Bible curriculum, I began writing down key truths from scripture that I felt were essential for my children to learn. What started as a simple list of ideas quickly grew into something much bigger. What started as a way to meet our own family’s needs ultimately blossomed into my very own Bible curriculum: Morning Manna, which I launched last summer.
Since then, Morning Manna has truly taken off, and the feedback has been incredible. Families are loving it, and it’s been so rewarding to see how it’s helping others grow in their faith journeys. What sets Morning Manna apart from other Bible curriculums is that it’s not just another study or workbook—it’s a deeply interactive and scripture-centered approach to teaching children about God’s Word.

The curriculum includes scripture memory, catechism memory, Biblical affirmations, and Bible passage memorization. One feature that families love is the inclusion of QR codes, which allow kids to learn scripture through song—making the process both engaging and fun. Morning Manna also emphasizes reading directly from the Bible and praying together as a family, which I feel is essential in a Bible curriculum. We even have copywork that goes along with it!
This school year, we’ve been using Morning Manna in our own home, and it has been such a blessing. Not only have we grown individually in our walks with the Lord, but we’ve also grown closer as a family. The conversations we’ve had as a result of these lessons have been rich, heartfelt, and full of moments where we’ve seen God working in our hearts. It’s been such a joy to watch Morning Manna not only impact our own family but also bring God’s truth into the homes of so many others. You can check it out here.

What does Bible time look like now in your homeschool?
Let me start by saying, our Bible time isn’t always picture-perfect. In fact, most days, it’s far from it. Some mornings, I’ve got a toddler hanging off my leg, dramatically demanding snacks like they haven’t eaten in days, or I’m juggling a tissue in one hand, wiping snotty noses, while trying to read scripture with the other. If I’m lucky, I get through a verse without someone yelling, “He’s looking at me!” or a baby suddenly deciding it’s the perfect moment to practice their high-pitched scream. And somewhere between all of that, I’m nursing my fourth cup of coffee, hoping it’s enough to get us through this blessed chaos.
And yet, even in the chaos, this time is precious. Despite the distractions, the interruptions, and the occasional meltdown (sometimes mine!), we gather together to focus on the Lord. These messy, imperfect moments are still filled with meaning, and I wouldn’t trade them for anything.
Our homeschool day begins with Morning Manna, and it has truly transformed how we approach Bible time as a family. We start by coming together in prayer, sharing any requests that are on our hearts. Each child has the opportunity to contribute their prayer requests, and we record them using the Morning Manna Prayer Requests and Answers Tracker. Watching the Lord answer those prayers and being able to look back and see His faithfulness has been a really sweet experience for us this year.

Next, we open our Bibles and read a short passage of scripture. This year, we’re focusing on the Psalms, which has been such a blessing. After reading, I ask a few simple questions to help my children reflect on the passage and connect it to their lives. This often leads to some amazing conversations and gives us an opportunity to explore the heart of God together.
From there, we move on to catechism memory. I ask about 10-20 catechism questions, and my children recite the answers. This has been such a valuable way for them to learn foundational truths about our faith and really understand why they believe what they believe. Following that, we work on scripture memory, focusing on one verse each week. Repeating the verse daily has made it easier for them to internalize God’s Word, and it’s so rewarding to see how quickly they can recall it (even my 3 year old).
Some days, if we have time, we incorporate Biblical affirmations, where we declare truths from scripture over ourselves, reminding the children of their identity in Christ. Also if we have time, we spend time memorizing longer Bible passages, such as the Lord’s Prayer, the Fruit of the Spirit, or the Armor of God. Morning Manna offers so many options to choose from, and I love that we can tailor it to fit our focus for the week or month.

Altogether, our Bible time takes about 20-30 minutes, but it’s hands down my favorite part of our homeschool day. It’s not just about learning scripture—it’s about growing closer to the Lord as a family, starting our day with Him at the center, and building a strong foundation of faith that I pray will stay with my children for a lifetime. Morning Manna has made this time intentional, meaningful, and something we all look forward to each day.
I should mention, we also do family devotions as a family on most weeknights. We go through different devotionals and are currently doing one by The Daily Grace Co. I actually wrote a family devotional last year as well called Hello Peace: A Family Devotional to Pursue Peace in the Home and Within that might also be a great option if you’re looking for one to do together as a family.
Can you give suggestions to other homeschoolers on how to make Bible time run more smoothly?
First, let me say that Bible time is going to look different in every season of life—and that’s completely normal! When I had a newborn, Bible time often looked like, “Okay, everybody run to the living room and let’s speed-read this devotional before the baby wakes up or someone spills milk again!” all while the sound of a breast pump echoed in the background like the world’s least relaxing soundtrack (if you know, you know).
Now that our youngest is 3, attention spans have slightly improved (on a good day), and we can actually spend 15-20 minutes (or more) exploring God’s Word together without someone parachuting off the fireplace hearth in a Batman costume or asking, “When is this going to be over?” halfway through a verse. If your Bible time doesn’t look like mine, don’t sweat it—you’re just in a different season, and trust me, God’s got you right where He wants you.
That being said, I’d love to share some practical tips that have helped us during our 11 years of family devotions. Whether you’re incorporating this into your homeschool day or doing it as a family in the evenings, these ideas might help make Bible time more smooth and enjoyable:
1. Embrace hands-on activities.
Most kids, especially younger ones, focus better when their hands are busy. It might sound counterintuitive, but letting them doodle, play with Play-Doh, work on an Etch A Sketch, or build with LEGOs while you’re reading scripture can actually help them retain what they’re hearing. In our home, we have a “quiet bin” that stays at the top of a shelf right off our living room. When it’s time for devotions, we pull it down, and it’s the only time they get to use this bin (other than read-aloud time). They look forward to it so much!
The bin includes things like sticker books, magnetic blocks, an Etch A Sketch, coloring books, electronic drawing tablet, and fidget toys—nothing noisy, of course. Having this special bin has been a game-changer. When our kids are engaged in something quiet and tactile, they’re more attentive, less fidgety, and more likely to absorb what we’re discussing or reading.

2. Pray before you start.
This one is so simple yet so powerful. Before you even open your Bible, take a moment to pray over your time together. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill the space, calm your hearts, and guide your conversations. I can’t tell you how often a chaotic morning or evening has turned into a sweet, Spirit-filled time just because we paused to invite God into it. He promises to meet us when we seek Him, and this small step can set the tone for the entire devotion time.
3. Adjust your expectations.
This is a big one, especially if you’re in a season of life where toddlers, tantrums, or you’re navigating the ever-dramatic world of preteens. Bible time doesn’t have to be perfect to be meaningful. Expect interruptions, giggles, or even outright resistance at times, and know that these moments are still planting seeds. God works through the messy and the imperfect!

4. Don’t give up.
There will be days when it feels like no one is paying attention. Maybe your toddler decides to dump out every toy you own as soon as you open the Bible, or your preteen rolls their eyes and checks their watch. You might feel discouraged and wonder if any of this is sticking. Let me encourage you: don’t stop. The more you stick with it, the more those seeds of truth are being planted in your children’s hearts. Over time, you’ll see fruit—maybe not right away, but God’s Word never returns void.
5. Make it your own.
Bible time doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s. Some days might be filled with deep discussion, and other days it might be as simple as singing a worship song or praying together. Let it reflect your family’s unique rhythm and needs.
Remember, the goal isn’t to create a picture-perfect moment but to consistently show your children the importance of spending time in God’s Word. Whether it’s five minutes or 30, the effort you’re making to lead your family spiritually will have a lasting impact. So, give yourself grace, keep pressing forward, and trust that God is working—even in the chaos.

How do you handle distractions or challenges during Bible time and still make it meaningful for your family?
We are far from perfect at this, but I think the key to handling distractions during Bible time is learning to stay calm and not let frustration take over—trust me, this was a lesson we learned the hard way! It takes training. Lots and lots of training.
When we first started, it felt like chaos. I would sit on one side of the room with the little ones while my husband sat on the other side, valiantly trying to read the Bible over the sound of toddlers negotiating snack demands or testing the acoustic properties of a toy car. My job was to quietly redirect the little ones, getting them to settle down with an activity from the quiet bin while gently reminding them that this was not playtime or a free-for-all.
Over time, and with much consistency, they began to understand that this was a special, set-apart time to focus on God and His Word. They learned that Bible time wasn’t for running around or being silly but for listening, learning, and growing together as a family. That said, we still have our crazy nights—like when the toddler decides to take off his pants and go streaking through the living room, someone can’t stop giggling, and the constant sound of nose blowing is enough to rival a marching band. On those nights, we sometimes glance at each other and wonder, “Is this even worth it?!” (Spoiler alert: It always is, even if it doesn’t feel like it in the moment.)
The key is handling those distractions with love and grace and remembering your “why.” Why are we doing this? To plant seeds of truth in our children’s hearts. To teach them about the love of Christ. To help them build a foundation of faith that will carry them through their lives. Keeping that perspective helps me approach interruptions with patience (most of the time) and humor instead of frustration. It’s not about perfection—it’s about faithfulness, and that reminder keeps us coming back to God’s Word, even on the wildest of nights.

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