Top Pennsylvania State History Homeschool Resources

One of the reasons I get excited to teach Pennsylvania’s history to my kids is because we can learn about people, places, and events that are right where we live! We can easily take field trips to see the interesting facts we are learning about in our keystone state.
As a 14-year homeschool parent, I have been searching for quite some time for the best collection of resources to use in our homeschool to teach our kids about our great state. I’m happy to share my top-notch finds with you!
The wonderful part of living in PA is that so much of our local history is a large part of United States history!

Before you begin studying with your kids, how much do you know about Pennsylvania?
Did you know that…
- Pennsylvania was the 2nd state to join the union?
- Only one president came from our great state?
- PA was the only state of the original 13 colonies that didn’t border water?
- Our country’s first zoo was here in Pennsylvania?
- The firefly is our state insect?
In this post, you will find a plethora of curriculum, activity booklets, book lists, and field trip ideas to help you become more familiar with Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania State History Curriculum
I love these PA curriculum options, two of which are made by homeschool moms for homeschool moms!
Pennsylvania Keystones: The History of a State and a Nation by Susan Kemmerer

Years ago I heard veteran homeschool mom Susan Kemmerer speak at our local homeschool convention. Her session made an impression on me. She spoke as one homeschooling mom to another. So when I learned she had created a Pennsylvania history curriculum for homeschooled students, I immediately bought it! Finding a curriculum made by a veteran homeschool mom is gold!
This resource gives an overview of Pennsylvania history. It includes map work, hands-on activities, biographical sketches, and short lessons to read to kids. The teacher-led lessons cover the time period from European colonialism to the French and Indian War and the American Revolution. I tend to be picky about book choices, but I love the historical fiction books she weaves into the curriculum.

It is more than enough material to cover a full school year. I will probably take more than a year to complete it with our kids. I tend to be very picky about book choices, but I love the historical fiction books she weaves into the curriculum.
I recommend purchasing the Pennsylvania Keystones text and the corresponding student activity packet. The student booklet has maps and projects which make the unit study fun! I have started this unit study with my kids this year and they are already loving it!
- Susan Kemmerer (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 89 Pages – 01/01/1998 (Publication Date) – Schoolhouse Publishing (Publisher)
Around PA in 180 Days by Cindy King; illustrated by Eden King

This history curriculum is another gem written by a homeschool mom of 9. While most students learn PA history in 4th grade, Cindy King says, “Why wait?” She has written this curriculum for kids of all ages.
There are 36 lessons in the book which makes it perfect to do one lesson a week. Each lesson begins with a young boy named Victor who explores some topics about Pennsylvania.
The instructor’s manual shows the topics for each lesson, so you don’t necessarily need to go in order. You can choose the lessons according to the order in which you want to study them. For example, if you have planned field trips to specific historic sites, you may want to save those lessons to teach around that time.
Additional resources in the instructor’s manual include book suggestions, activities, ideas for field trips, and vocabulary words.
- King, Cindy (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 137 Pages – 06/14/2023 (Publication Date) – Independently published (Publisher)
Hands-On Activity Pack from Homeschool in the Woods

My kids loved doing these lapbooks! The Hands-On Activity Pack is a CD you can purchase. It has 20 projects to help kids make a lapbook to showcase their state. The pack is designed to accompany a state history program or book. The content has state-specific printouts (where necessary) for all 50 states.

The activity packs are designed to challenge the kids to do their own personal research and write what they find. I love how it encourages independent learning.
Kids can complete a lap book in a year or add to it over several years. The final product will be a beautiful keepsake!

My State History FunBook (State History from a Christian Perspective)
Making a colorful scrapbook is a fun way for kids to learn about the history of Pennsylvania. The notebook itself is a generic notebook, but the accompanying activity pages are state-specific. The child will complete the fun activities and cut and paste pictures in the My State History Funbook. Funbooks are designed for a young child, particularly ages 4 through 2nd grade. A lesson schedule for the teacher is also included in the book.
Pennsylvania History Activity Booklets
The information in the booklets below does not follow any order, but the random pages make it useful to add to an existing curriculum or to fill in to give kids snippets of Pennsylvania history.
Pennsylvania Activity Booklet by Paula Ellis, illustrations by Anna Kaiser
In this activity booklet, you will see coloring pages, word scrambles, word searches, mazes, fun and facts about William Penn, Valley Forge, Conestoga Wagon, etc.
- Used Book in Good Condition
- Ellis, Paula (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 64 Pages – 03/18/2011 (Publication Date) – Adventure Publications (Publisher)
A Journey Across the Commonwealth
This is a black and white coloring book compliments of State Senator Ryan P. Aument. You can access A Journey Across the Commonwealth for FREE by visiting or by clicking the link below. My kids received these when we did a tour of Pennsylvania’s state capitol. Each coloring page has interesting facts about the state. It features the farms of Lancaster County, PA state parks, the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon in Wellsboro, the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, and much more! I like the page at the end where kids can color state symbol pictures.

William Penn’s Guide to Pennsylvania
This book is FREE resource, also courtesy of Senator Ryan P. Aument, and can be found on his website. This colorful activity book gives information about William Penn, Ben Franklin, the Pennsylvania Coat of Arms, the Capitol Rotunda, state symbols, famous people of Pennsylvania, an interactive map, and more! The colorful pictures and interactive games are very engaging for young children!

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Excellent Pennsylvania History Read-Aloud Books

Picture Books
State Shapes: Pennsylvania, by Erin McHigh, illustrated by Alfred Schrier
In this popular non-fiction series, kids will learn random facts, famous people, geography, and history. This is a great book to leave lying around. Kids will pick it up and quiz each other on the fun Q and A at the bottom of each page.
- Hardcover Book
- McHugh, Erin (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 52 Pages – 02/10/2010 (Publication Date) – Workman Kids (Publisher)
K is for Keystone: A Pennsylvania Alphabet written by Kristen Kane, illustrated by Laura Knorr
In this beautifully illustrated book, young children learn about Pennsylvania from each letter in the alphabet. “A is for Amish, B is for Bill Cosby, C is for caves and coal mines, D is for White-tailed deer…”
- Used Book in Good Condition
- Hardcover Book
- Kane, Kristen (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 40 Pages – 01/24/2003 (Publication Date) – Sleeping Bear Press (Publisher)
One For All: A Pennsylvania Number Book by Trinka Hakes Noble
This is a number-counting book in which we are introduced to notable people and places from Pennsylvania. This book would be great to pair with K is for Keystone because the writing style is very similar. The books complement each other nicely.
- Hardcover Book
- Noble, Trinka Hakes (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 40 Pages – 08/30/2005 (Publication Date) – Sleeping Bear Press (Publisher)
Biographical Fiction
Benjamin West and His Cat Grimalkin by Marguerite Henry
This is the story of the famous Pennsylvanian and father of American painting, Benjamin West. Coming from a Quaker family with strong religious convictions, Benjamin is not allowed to draw images. He loves drawing, however, and learns to use whatever he finds in his surroundings to add color to his sketches. But how do you paint without a paintbrush? That’s where his cat Grimalkin gives him a hand!
- Henry, Marguerite (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 160 Pages – 03/11/2014 (Publication Date) – Aladdin (Publisher)
Benjamin Franklin by D’Aulaire
Ingri and Edward D’Aulaire are excellent storytellers. In this picture book with colorful illustrations, the reader will follow Benjamin Franklin through the streets of Philadelphia and learn the many ways he improved American life for everyone.
- Used Book in Good Condition
- Ingri D’Aulaire (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 48 Pages – 11/01/1998 (Publication Date) – Beautiful Feet Books (Publisher)
Betsy Ross: Designer of Our Flag by AnnWeil, illustrated by Al Fiorentino
This book is part of the Childhood of Famous Americans Series. Readers will follow Betsy from early youth to the time when she designs the American flag in Philadelphia. Other figures from the history of the United States such as Benjamin Franklin and William Penn are part of Betsy’s story.
- Weil, Ann (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 192 Pages – 10/31/1986 (Publication Date) – Aladdin (Publisher)
Historical Fiction
The Cabin Faced West by Jean Fritz
Ann Hamilton’s family leaves the civilization of Gettysburg to live on the Western Pennsylvanian frontier near the Monongahela River. She is homesick for their home on the other side of the Allegheny Mountains, but she learns to make friendships in the new place and even has a visit from George Washington himself!
- Fritz, Jean (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 128 Pages – 08/30/2001 (Publication Date) – Puffin Books (Publisher)
Skippack School by Marguerite De Angeli
Kids will read about Eli whose family left Germany to find religious freedom in America. They settle in the Skippack area of Pennsylvania among a Mennonite community. Eli struggles in school, but he thrives under the tutelage of his new teacher Master Christopher. I love that Scripture is mentioned throughout this book. All of De Angeli’s books are a treasure so you don’t want to miss this one!
- Used Book in Good Condition
- de Angeli, Marguerite (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 88 Pages – 05/14/1999 (Publication Date) – Herald Press (Publisher)
Non-Fiction Books
Kids Love Pennsylvania by George and Michele Zavatsky
This book is a must-have for all homeschool families in our great state! The authors describe it as “a parent’s guide to exploring fun places in Pennsylvania with children…year round!” It is divided into 9 geographical zones so that you can find local museums and places of interest that are closest to you. In the back of the book, you can find great resources listed by month of the year.
- Darrall Zavatsky, Michele (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 278 Pages – 03/11/2023 (Publication Date) – Kids Love Publications, LLC (Publisher)
A Treasury of Pennsylvania Tales by Webb Garrison
Learn about “unusual, interesting, and little-known stories of Pennsylvania.” Each chapter tells the story of a different person who lived in Pennsylvania. This book is a good resource for older kids who want to know more about our state. You can pick and choose the people you want to read about rather than feeling the need to read from cover to cover.
- Garrison, Webb B. (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 224 Pages – 03/08/1996 (Publication Date) – Rutledge Hill Pr (Publisher)

Pennsylvania Field Trips
One of the best ways to learn about the Keystone state is by taking field trips to popular places in Pennsylvania! When you visit historical sites, you are more likely to obtain accurate information from primary sources.
One of my favorite resources is the PA Bucketlist. This is a personal blog that is a wonderful tool to help you pinpoint places of interest to you!
I hope these books and resources help give you some good ideas as you explore the geography and history of Pennsylvania with your family!
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