Best Family Christmas Bible Trivia Free Printable
How well do you really know the Christmas story? The Best Family Christmas Bible Trivia Free Printable is a great way to test your Bible knowledge of the Christmas story.
We want our kids to come away from Christmas with the birth of Christ impressed on their hearts, but with so many tales and songs about Santa Claus and Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, family members can easily miss the true meaning of Christmas. By playing this fun game, your family can keep Christ’s birth the central theme this Christmas season.
This trivia game is a mix of easier and harder questions which makes it perfect for the whole family. This way you can give younger children the easier questions and save the tough questions for older children or mom and dad.
It is divided into several categories: prophecy, names, characters, time and numbers, places, signs, and gospels. Each answer has a reference from the Holy Bible so you can verify its meaning and context.
Ways to Use the Christmas Trivia Questions
This printable Bible quiz is great to use in a Sunday school class or Bible Study group. You can also save it for family game night on Christmas Eve! Another way that we use it in our home is to do a few trivia questions each day during our homeschool Morning Time.
Families can play this game together by breaking up into teams for a competition. It might be helpful to pair older and younger kids. Whichever team has the most correct answers wins the game.
My kids also like competing against themselves as well. They enjoy trying to guess the right answer to these fun facts to see how many they can get right.
You can either read the trivia questions below or download the printable game cards from the link below. Good luck!
Click on this link to access the free printable.
- What is the earliest Old Testament book to prophecy the coming Messiah? Genesis 3:15
- Which Old Testament prophet foretells the birthplace of Christ? Micah 5:2
- What Old Testament prophet spoke these words? “There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit. And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding. The Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD.” the prophet Isaiah 1:2
- Which prophet said Jesus’ name would be Immanuel? Isaiah 7:14
- The angel attributed John’s spirit to one of the Old Testament prophets. Which one? Elijah Luke 1:17
- Who prophesied the death and mourning of the baby boys in Bethlehem? Jeremiah, Matthew 2:18
- Jesus succeeded the throne of which king of Israel? King David Luke 1:32
Easy Questions for Younger Kids
- Who appeared to Zechariah in the temple? Angel of the Lord, (the angel Gabriel) Luke 1:11
- When Mary gave birth to Jesus, where did she lay him? In a manger ( a feeding trough) Luke 2:7
- What gifts did the wise men give baby Jesus? Gold, frankincense, and myrrh Matthew 2:11
- What does the name Immanuel mean? God with us.
- Who announced the baby Jesus’ name? The angel. Matthew 1:21
- Finish this phrase with the names of Jesus from Isaiah 9:6. “And he shall be called…” Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
- True or false. Jesus is the only child in the Bible whose name was given before his birth. False, John the Baptist Luke 1:13
- Who did the angel tell that the baby was to be named Jesus? Mary, Joseph, or both? Both. Matthew 1:21, Luke 2:31
- Other than the name Jesus, what other name was given to him? Son of God or Son of the Most High. Luke 2:32,35
- Who was the king of Judea at the time of Christ’s birth? King Herod
- Who were John the Baptist’s parents? Zechariah and Elizabeth
- How was the priest chosen to serve in the temple to burn incense when his division was on duty? By lot. Luke 1:9
- What was Mary’s relationship to Joseph before Jesus was born? They were betrothed. Luke 1: 27
- Which two people did Mary and Joseph meet in the temple when they went to present Jesus to the Lord? Simeon and Anna Luke 2: 25-38
Actions and Responses
- What were the people outside the temple doing while they were waiting for Zechariah? Praying. Luke 1:10
- What did the angel forbid John the Baptist from doing? Drinking strong drink. Luke 1:15
- What were the shepherds doing when the angel of the Lord appeared to them? Watching their sheep. Luke 2:8
- True or false. The shepherds were excited when they saw the angels. False. They were afraid. Luke 2: 9,10
- What was Zechariah’s punishment for not believing the angel? He became unable to speak Luke 1:20
- When Joseph found out about Mary’s pregnancy, what was he resolved to do? Divorce her quietly. Matthew 1:19
- What did the angels say to the shepherds? Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men. Luke 2:14
- What was Herod’s response when he learned he had been tricked by the wise men? He killed all the male children (two years old and under) in Bethlehem. Matthew 2:16
Time and Numbers
- How long did Mary stay with her cousin Elizabeth? 3 months Luke 1: 56
- How long did the angel say Jesus’ would be king over the house of Jacob? Forever; there will be no end. Luke 2:33
- How many angels appeared to the shepherds? A multitude of the heavenly host.
- What was the exact number of wise men who came to honor baby Jesus? The number is not mentioned.
- How old was Jesus when he was circumcised? 8 days Luke 2:21
- When did Mary and Joseph return to Nazareth? After Herod died. Matthew 2: 19-23
- To which city did Joseph travel to be registered by decree of the Roman emperor Caesar Augustus? The city of David, Bethlehem Luke 2: 4
- What city was Mary from? Nazareth Luke 1: 27
- Where were the wise men from? The east. Matthew. 2:1
- After the wise men left, an angel warned Joseph in a dream to flee to which country? Egypt Matthew 2:14
- What was the sign the shepherds were to look for to find the child Jesus? “You will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.” Luke 2:12
- How did the wise men find baby Jesus? They followed a star Mt. 2:9,10
- Which two of the four New Testament gospels tell the story of Jesus’ birth? Matthew and Luke
- Which gospel tells the story of the angel appearing to Joseph? Gospel of Matthew
- In which gospel do we find the Magnificat (Mary’s song of praise)? Gospel of Luke
- Early Christians attributed the genealogy of the royal line of Christ to be in the gospel of Matthew or Luke? Matthew
- According to early Christians, Mary’s genealogy is believed to be in which gospel? Luke
Harder questions
- When did they call him by the name of Jesus, the name given to him by the angel before he was conceived in the womb? At the end of eight days, when he was circumcised. Luke 2:21
- In the Christmas Carol, “The Twelve Days of Christmas?” what do the two turtle doves have to do with the story of Christ? That was the sacrifice Mary and Joseph brought to the temple according to the law of Moses. Luke 2:24
- Did Mary travel on a donkey to Bethlehem when she was great with child? Scripture does not say.
So how well do you know the Christmas story? I hope these fun trivia questions have helped you learn more about the birth of Christ as well as cherish the precious gift of God’s Son in a new way this holiday season.
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Merry CHRISTmas!