Christian Parents Now Is The Time To Consider Homeschooling

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Christian parents, now is the time to consider homeschooling! More than ever before, we must equip our children for a world that is increasingly hostile to Christians. Thankfully, there has never been a time in history when it has been easier to homeschool than today. Don’t waver any longer. Give your kids a Christian education that aligns with your family values and your faith!

Video: Christian Parents Now Is The Time To Consider Homeschooling

#1 The public system is intentionally and aggressively indoctrinating our kids.

For many years it has been subtle, but government education is no longer hiding their agenda. Conform, or face the consequences. We are finally seeing the fruit of what many homeschool advocates have been proposing for years which is this.

Education is not neutral.

The public sector is claiming our kids in droves because our children have been groomed to trust and believe the agenda that has been taught to them from childhood through culture and education.

“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”

Vladimir Lenin

God has assigned parents the responsibility of discipling our children. Are we really so naive as to believe that a 30 minute lesson every Sunday morning is enough to prepare our kids for a world that is openly antagonistic to our Christian faith?

When our children are asked the hard life questions that will come up in adolescence, do they have answers? When they become adults and are faced in the workplace with conforming or losing a job, have we prepared them for this?

If you have been homeschooling a while, you often hear parents say things like, “but my child’s school isn’t like that.” Many parents cling to the hope that Christians can influence the community by being present in public schools. I suggest that the opposite is true.

If Christian parents have been proactively involved in public education for decades, why haven’t we seen a noticeable difference? The moral atmosphere in government schools has continued in a sharp downward spiral.

How much longer are we going to continue with this failing approach? What line are we waiting for them to cross for us to finally say enough is enough? Why keep hanging to the threadbare remnants of the public system?

For more on this, read Nicki Truesdell’s The False Security of “The Good School”.

On the contrary, it is those who have stepped out of the system who can be free thinkers who influence culture. They can move forward to learn and reflect the true, the good, and the beautiful without limits. As a group, homeschoolers, because they have left the system, pose a threat to public education because what they are doing is effectively changing society.

Try An Alternative

Consider this alternative. Leave government education. Weaken the system. Strengthen the family.

Abandon the long-held false assumption that Math, Science, English, etc. (“school”) is a domain of the state, separate from faith. All that can be learned or understood comes from God.

When kids are taught from a Biblical worldview, they see that all learning is His idea, His creation, His design.

Think about what our children may be missing without a definitively Christian education.

  • Do they know where Biblical history fits in with world history?
  • Do they have an understanding of God’s beautiful design for marriage and sexuality?
  • Have they been taught science, history, civics, etc. from many perspectives or just the modern “acceptable” narrative?
  • Have they read through the Bible? Has someone read it to them?
  • Do they know any history of the Christian church? How did the church respond to false teachings or deconstruction in other time periods?
  • What defense can they give of their Christian faith?
  • Who are our kids’ heroes? When we think about who our culture is pressing them to admire, ask this question. Do our kids have Christian heroes? Present and past?
  • Do our children see the patterns of history repeating itself? Do they grasp the cycle of affluence, moral decline, and collapse of civilizations?

For more reading on this topic, see 5 Opportunities Unique to a Christian Education.

#2 There has never been an easier time to homeschool than right now.

As more and more people are choosing to homeschool, it has paved the way for others to do it more easily. We have easy access to a plethora of resources through the Internet, homeschool co-ops, HSLDA and other similar organizations, and other homeschool parents.

In the age of the Internet, homeschooling is so much easier than it used to be. Parents no longer need to teach everything themselves. If we want to, we can outsource subjects. There are endless options for online live or self-paced classes from a Biblical worldview.

Here are a few (of many) ways homeschoolers are outsourcing their children’s education.

History: Veritas Press Self-Paced History Classes

English/Literature/History/ Theology Wilson Hill Academy

Math: Teaching Textbooks

With the rise in the numbers of homeschoolers, co-ops are popping up everywhere. Co-ops are just as important for moms as they are for the kids because moms need encouragement to continue on the “road less traveled.” At co-op, moms can talk to others and share resources or help find solutions for struggles in homeschooling.

Having trouble finding a homeschool community that fits? Consider this!

Homeschooling is not as hard as you think.

“I could never homeschool my kids. If I had to be with them all day, I’d go crazy!”

If I have heard this once, I have heard it a bazillion times.

But these are our children! We only have one chance at giving them a solid foundation before they grow up and become adults.

The thing is…when you are with your kids all day for an extended time, you figure it out. You learn to give yourself space and alone time. Likewise, the kids learn what is acceptable and what’s not going to fly with mom around.

Homeschooling takes much less time than traditional school so parents and kids usually have for other pursuits after they finish the academic part of the day.

The Sacrifice of a Christian Education is Worth It

Homeschooling (or the financial cost of a private Christian school) is costly. I get it.

Years ago, when I quit working full time to stay home with our kids, our income was cut in half. Yes, half! Things were tight. When I think of my parents and my husband’s parents who made the sacrifice to put us in Christian school over 20 years ago, they felt the cost as well.

Perhaps even more costly, for me personally, was losing the respect that comes from a career with a title. Many homeschool moms feel this sacrifice very deeply.

While some homeschoolers find alternate ways to work from home or work part-time (homeschooling takes much less time than traditional school), it still comes with a price tag. Being with your kids all day is both wonderful and exhausting.

Furthermore, sometimes homeschoolers have to answer questions from critical family members and friends about their decision to homeschool. It’s not easy to go against the flow.

All these costs aside, giving your kids a Christian education is worth it. We homeschoolers are equipping future generations. Let these verses from Psalm 78 be our banner as we continue to move forward for the sake of our posterity.

”O my people, listen to my instructions.
    Open your ears to what I am saying. I will teach you hidden lessons from our past…stories we have heard and known, stories our ancestors handed down to us. We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord, about his power and his mighty wonders….He commanded our ancestors to teach them to their children, so the next generation might know them— even the children not yet born— and they in turn will teach their own children. So each generation should set its hope anew on God.”

Psalm 78

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  1. Hello, Just want to tell you how much I’ve been enjoying your videos. So inspiring and helpful. I’ve been helping to homeschool my grandchildren the last three years and it is such a blessing. You are absolutely correct about the indoctrination of our children in public schools. I pray more people begin to see the danger and shield their children, while preparing and equipping them to deal with the world as it is. You have a beautiful family – thank you for sharing – it gives me hope!

    1. Thank you so much! I appreciate your feedback and love to hear of grandparents investing in their grandkids! What a way to leave a legacy!